My oldest son has had a fascination with "Predator" from the Alien vs Predator movies for years!!
This year he asked to be predator for Halloween and I couldn't let him down!
The mask was bought off of Amazon and that is about the only thing you can buy in a child size besides some hands.
I slowly started piecing the costume together:
1. Armor is made out of cardboard, hot glue and paint.
2. Scull with Spine and Mesh Nylons are from Party City.
3. The Hair is yarn, Hanging Skulls and Chain are from Michael's on sale! With some paint on the skulls:)
4. Hand Piece and Mesh Shirt are from the Dollar Tree!! With some tweaking:)
Cardboard painted armor.
Armor made from cardboard and hot glue. I then painted it all and sewed elastic to it.
That "hand armor" piece is a set of two at the Dollar Tree as are the knifes. I broke apart the handle on the knives and cut little slits in the arm piece to hold the "blades" add some hot glue to hold it all together and you have an AWESOME Arm Blade!
Hope you all hade a great Halloween!!
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That's amazing work!!!! (Might take the child predator label off though...can be read another way!!!!! ;)